Saturday, December 28, 2013


On the day after Christmas, Boxing Day in some countries, I wanted to leave out all the clutter and mess to remember the pleasure we had.

Then, taking an idea from another sketcher, I decided to collect some of the memories in a sketchbook. I used the Sennelier accordion book from the Urban Sketching Symposium.  Next month, I'm going to take an online lettering class, so I've started adding some text. This way, I can see the before and after results.

I want to remember some things for next Christmas, so some of those notes are in there, too...

and I want to be sure to thank friends for gifts we've been given...

There's a lot to remember about this Christmas, but here's a start.


Dailysketches said...

Vicky,considering you started yours later you have a
Lot to show in your Christmas book!
Fun,isn't it?
I love all of these,especially the cookies. And the plate
with the mince pie.

Andrea said...

I love how you sketched things you wanted to remember about this Christmas. What a great idea that is.