Sunday, April 7, 2019

February/March 2019

February was a good month for drawing flowers indoors...

...and visiting the art museum.

Calder Mobile

March arrived and more flowers started blooming.

It was still pretty chilly for sketching outside. I sketched a church from the Historical Society lobby...

and NW Portland houses from a coffee shop window....

A truck pulled up and hid my view, so I sketched the signage on the truck (with some editorializing).

Once, I sketched some NW Victorian rooftops from a car with friends....


When the weather warmed up, the Urban Sketchers went looking for cherry blossoms. We were early (or they were late) so I sketched some of my fellow sketchers.

The next week, the trees were turning pink....

                                     and the following week, they were in FULL BLOOM!

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